China Daily and its Discover Beautiful China platform ( invited submissions of photos and short videos that depict the beautiful country of China from Mid-August to late October.
As the deadline came (Oct 20, 2022), we received a total of 5,433 entries, including 4,518 photos and 915 videos. After being reviewed by the jury, 76 works stand out as prize winners, among which there are 2 Top Prize winners, 2 Best Video winners (1 individual category, 1 organization category), 2 Best Photography winners (1 individual category, 1 organization category), 50 Excellent Award winners (10 individual category and 40 organization category) , and 20 Special Award winners. Twenty regions are prized for their great contribution to the activity.
Click to view the collections by individuals , organizations and regions .
China Daily and its Discover Beautiful China platform ( invited submissions of photos and short videos that depict the beautiful country of China from Mid-August to late October.
As the deadline came (Oct 20, 2022), we received a total of 5,433 entries, including 4,518 photos and 915 videos. After being reviewed by the jury, 76 works stand out as prize winners, among which there are 2 Top Prize winners, 2 Best Video winners (1 individual category, 1 organization category), 2 Best Photography winners (1 individual category, 1 organization category), 50 Excellent Award winners (10 individual category and 40 organization category) , and 20 Special Award winners. Twenty regions are prized for their great contribution to the activity.
Click to view the collections by
点击 “ 个人组 ” 、 “ 机构组 ” 和 “ 地域 ” 查看获奖作品。